Welcome! I'm a college student from America living in the mountains of Nantou County, Taiwan, and I’m lucky enough to be living with two fantastic elementary school principals. For the next month, I will be here learning Chinese, discovering what it's like to live here in the mountains, and studying the Taiwanese school system.
So what’s so special about this place? Most of the people who live up here are Bunun people, a Taiwanese aboriginal tribe. They have their own unique culture and language. I was curious to see what their language is like and went to participate in a sixth grade Bunun language class. I walked into the classroom, and the language teacher decided to give me a name. My name is Sa vì.
(the site is in Chinese...so use Google translator to translate the website into English!)
Things I've never experienced or seen before I came here
May 31: I've never lived in such a rural area! There are no supermarkets, movie theaters, malls, libraries, 7-11 (which are VERY common in Taiwan), traffic lights.....
June 1: A cockroach climbed up my leg after I hopped out of a hot spring -_-
June 2: During lunch I went to a wedding banuqet, and I had NO idea who the bride or groom was...
June 3: Saw the largest spider in the bathroom EVER! It was literally the size of my hand....not exaggerating!
June 6: I've never eaten this many bananas in my entire life just becuase I don't like bananas! Although now I'm starting to like them.....